Loging to files in ILog

Loging to files is easy and simple with ILog. There is two ways you can log to a file.

  1. You can pass in your own FILE* into the I_FS_LOG(); macro. The I_FS_LOG(); macro takes in a FILE* or an "std stream" like stdout, a message and then variable args (for formating the message).

  2. You could let ILog handle the file creation and deletion with the I_FILE_LOG(); macro. The I_FILE_LOG(); macro takes in a file names, a message, a mode and variable args. Most of the parameters are self explanitory except the mode parameter. The mode parameter corresponds with the fopen(); mode parameter (e.g. "w" for write, "a" for appened, etc.). To learn more about this check out this tutorial by programiz to learn more.

Code example:

#include <ILog.h>

int main() 
    I_FILE_LOG("example.log", "%d World Hello! %d", "w", 5, 6);
    FILE* file;

    file = fopen("example.log", "a"); // You should error check
    I_FS_LOG(file, "Hello World! %d", 10);

    return 0;



The file macros do not have debug equivlilents.